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Lumber Sales

Common Name: | American Black Cherry |
Latin Name: | Prunus Serotina |
Characteristics of the Tree: | This moderate size tree reaches a height of 21m (70ft) with a trunk diameter of about 500mm(1ft 8in). |
Characteristics of the Wood: | This fine hardwood has staight grain and fine texture. It is hard and moderately strong and can be steam bent. The narrow sapwood is pinkish in color while the heartwood is reddish brown to deep red with brown flecks and some gum pockets. |
Common Uses: | Furniture, cabinetry, pattern making, joinery, turnery, musical instruments, flooring and veneer. |
Workability: | It can be worked well with hand and machine tools and glues well. |
Finishing: | It accepts stain well and can be polished to a fine finish. |
Average Dry Weight: | 58kg/m3 (36lb/ft3) |
Source Information: | “Collins Good Wood Guide”, Harper/Collins Publishers |