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Pike News
Figuring out Burls

There are many odd and unique things that you can come across in a woods. Perhaps one of the more peculiar and least understood items you can find is a tree burl. These woody tumor-like growths can be found on a tree’s trunk, branches or roots. In Canada, one burl was found to be over 14 feet across, and weigh over 20 tons. However, most are golf ball to several feet across in size, which is what you’ll typically find in the Midwest.
Burls can be caused by several factors such as previous damage, infection by bacteria and fungi, insects, or stress from the tree’s surroundings. This rare growth creates a twisting pattern that can be prized by woodworkers. Burls can occur on many hardwood species including Black Walnut, Cherry, Maple, Sycamore and White Oak. Burls can potentially cause structural damage, but typically do not harm the tree. It is recommended that you do not cut a burl out as this creates a large wound in the tree which may not heal. Burls are just one of many mysterious and exciting sights you may see while exploring your woods.